Knicks get Rose, send Davis back to Toronto


Associated Press
The Toronto Raptors finally traded Jalen Rose on Friday, sending him to the New York
Knicks for forward Antonio Davis.

多倫多暴龍終於在星期五的時候將 Jalen Rose 交易出去了,把他送到紐約尼克換來前鋒 Antonio Davis.
那為啥不回溜馬呢...= =a)

The Knicks also received a first-round draft pick and an undisclosed amount of cash
in a deal involving teams who played each other Friday night in Toronto. The Raptors
won 104-90.


Rose and Davis were not expected to play in the game -- Knicks coach Larry Brown
thought it would be unfair to throw Rose into action immediately. He sat on New
York's bench wearing a suit.

Rose 和 Davis 不被預期會上場 -- 尼克教練 Larry Brown 認為讓 Rose 立即比賽是不公平的.
Rose 坐了整晚的板凳.

Brown, who coached Rose for one season with the Indiana Pacers, said Rose will
start at small forward for the Knicks.

曾經在溜馬指導過 Rose 一年的 Brown 說, Rose 在尼克將打小前鋒這個位置.

Davis' contract expires after this season, and the Raptors get some needed salary-cap
relief by parting ways with Rose.

Davis 的合約將在這個球季到期,暴龍藉由送出 Rose 得以清出一些薪資空間.

It's the second time the ex-Pacers teammates have been involved in the same trade.
Davis spent 41/2 seasons in Toronto before the Raptors traded him to Chicago in 2003.

2003年暴龍交易他到芝加哥之前, Davis 在多倫多打了四又二分之一個球季.

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