Pacers rise to occasion


Pacers 93, Pistons 85
Pacers rise to occasion
Depleted by injury, scrappy players outrebound, outplay league's best team


By Mark Montieth

Before all the injuries, before the trade and before Detroit opened the season with a
dead sprint toward history, this was a game that loomed like a heavyweight bout.


Instead, it was merely an opportunity for the Indiana Pacers to display the sort of
performance they once assumed would be the norm.


They made the most of it, merging unlikely forces for a 93-85 upset of the Pistons
before a sellout crowd at Conseco Fieldhouse that hasn't seen many games like this
one for a while.

他們做到了大部份,在座無虛席的 Conseco Fieldhouse 全場觀眾面前,拿出超乎意料之外的表現,
以 93-85 意外的擊敗了活塞隊,這在最近的比賽中是不常見的.

"When you see (Detroit) on the schedule, you kind of circle those dates because our
fans and their fans really pay attention to this game," Pacers guard Anthony Johnson
said. "There was a lot of excitement out there."

溜馬後衛 Anthony Johnson 說.

The game didn't carry the intangible drama that had been anticipated before the season.
It would have been Ron Artest's first game against the Pistons since the brawl at the
Palace of Auburn Hills in November of last season, but his trade to Sacramento nullified

這原本是 Ron Artest 從上季11月在奧本山宮殿的大亂鬥之後,對上活塞的第一場比賽,

The Pacers' injuries and the upheaval of their season drained the hype as well. Still,
they made it a memorable game with a rare combination of hustle and poise.


They dominated Detroit on the boards 59-44, and grabbed 25 offensive rebounds. It was
a startling performance for a team that ranked 25th in the NBA in offensive rebounds
entering the game. Their poor shooting (39 percent) allowed them more rebounding
opportunities, but the effort was undeniable.

他們在籃板球上以 59-44 壓倒性的優勢壓過底特律,並抓了 25 顆進攻籃板.
這對一隻賽前在 NBA 中進攻籃板排名第 25 名的隊伍來說是令人吃驚的表現.

"I think all our guys helped box out tonight and that was the key to the game," said
Scot Pollard, who led all rebounders with 14, his highest total as a Pacer.

"我想今晚我們所有人都幫忙將對手卡在外面,而這就是這場比賽的關鍵." Scot Pollard 說,
他搶下全場最高的 14 顆籃板,這是他成為溜馬隊員之後的單場最高.

The Pacers (23-22) grabbed 50 or more rebounds just three times in their first 40 games
but have done so in three of their past five games.

溜馬隊(23勝22敗)在他們前 40 場比賽中只有 3 場比賽抓了 50 顆以上的籃板球,
但他們卻在最近的 5 場比賽中做到 3 次.

They might want to consider repeat performances. They are 14-3 this season when
outrebounding opponents.

當籃板搶贏對手時,本季他們的戰績是 14 勝 3 敗.

They also had 25 assists, two short of their season high, and just seven turnovers,
matching their season low.

他們還有 25 次的助攻,比他們本季最高只差了兩次.
而且僅有 7 次失誤,平了他們本季最低.

Their timing was good, too. The Pistons (39-7) were playing their fourth game in five
nights and had played in Philadelphia on Friday. They seemed to tire down the stretch,
and point guard Chauncey Billups was yawning during the introduction of the starting lineups.

活塞(39勝7敗)在 5 個晚上裡打了他們第 4 場比賽,並且星期五剛在費城出賽.
他們似乎精疲力盡,他們的控球後衛 Chauncey Billups 在介紹先發陣容的時候打哈欠.

The Pacers' three primary scorers among the starters, Stephen Jackson, Johnson and
Peja Stojakovic, combined to hit just 14-of-48 shots. That was easily forgotten amid
all the positive contributions.

溜馬先發陣容當中的三位主要得分手, Stephen Jackson , Johnson 以及 Peja Stojakovic ,
合計命中率僅僅投 48 中 14 ,那很容易在他們其他正面的貢獻中被遺忘.

Jackson, who suffered a badly bruised hip and lower back in Wednesday's win over the Lakers,
still led the scoring with 20 points and hit 4-of-6 3-pointers.

在星期三贏湖人那場比賽中受到臀部挫傷及下背部挫傷的 Jackson ,
仍然拿下全隊最高的 20 分,包含三分球投 6 中 4 .

"I told myself as long as I can come in and run a little bit I was going to play," he said.
"If I can walk, I can play."

"我告訴我自己,只要我能回來並且能跑一小段,我就要打," 他說.

Johnson had eight assists against just one turnover and Jeff Foster had 12 rebounds.

Johnson 送出 8 次助攻且僅有 1 次失誤.
Jeff Foster 搶下 12 顆籃板.

David Harrison (15), Fred Jones (13) and Danny Granger (11) reached double figures,
marking the third time in the past four games that three reserves have scored 10 or more.

David Harrison (15分), Fred Jones (13分) 以及 Danny Granger (11分) 得分到達兩位數,
在過去 4 場比賽中這是第 3 次有 3 位替補球員得到 10 分以上.

Granger broke open the game by sparking an 11-0 run late in the third quarter. With the
Pacers ahead by one, he hit open mid-range jumpers on consecutive possessions. He later
drove the left baseline, hit a layup and drew a foul from Antonio McDyess for a three-point

Granger 在第三節末率隊拉出一段 11-0 的攻勢.
稍後他從左邊底線切入上籃得分,並造成 Antonio McDyess 犯規,完成一次三分打.

He followed by pulling up at the 3-point line for what appeared to be another shot,
but zipped a pass to Harrison for a dunk .

接著卻迅速的把球傳給 Harrison 灌籃.

"A couple of plays before (his jump shots) I passed up a shot in the lane and Stephen Jackson
got on me and told me to shoot the ball," Granger said. "I was looking to shoot it then."

"在一連串的進攻(他的跳投)之前,我放棄一個投籃機會,之後 Stephen Jackson 走向我並告訴我要投籃." Granger 說.

Sarunas Jasikevicius' pull-up jumper on the next possession completed an 11-point run
that opened a 74-62 lead.

Sarunas Jasikevicius 在下一次的進攻跳投得手完成這波 11 分的攻勢,將比分拉到 74-62 領先.

Granger's statistics for the quarter: seven points, five rebounds, two assists and
a blocked shot in six minutes.

Granger 這節的統計:在 6 分鐘裡拿下 7 分, 5 籃板, 2 助攻, 以及 1 個火鍋.

Detroit got within four early in the final period, but Jones went on a personal 6-1 scoring
run to open a nine-point lead.

底特律在第四節初把比分追到 4 分之差,但是 Jones 獨力打出一波 6-1 的攻勢又將比分拉大到 9 分.

Granger hit another big jumper with 2:30 left to open an 86-79 lead, then Jones followed
with two free throws to secure the outcome.

Granger 在終場前 2:30 的時候投進一個重要的跳投將比分拉到 86-79 領先,之後 Jones 的兩罰俱中確保勝利.

"It shows a lot of things," Jackson said. "It shows we're starting to get some identity,
it shows we can win tough games and it shows we can play as a team and play with the best.
We just have to go out there and compete."

"這顯示出很多事." Jackson 說.

Call Star reporter Mark Montieth at (317) 444-6406.

Copyright 2006 All rights reserved




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