Croshere to sit another week
Pacers use caution with forward in wake of 2nd concussion in less than 1 month

Croshere 要再休息一個星期.

By Mike Wells

Indiana Pacers forward Austin Croshere will miss at least the next three games while
he recovers from his second concussion in a month.

當印第安那溜馬隊前鋒 Austin Croshere 從這一個月裡第二次腦震盪中恢復健康,他將錯過至少接下來的三場比賽.

"He'll be re-evaluated next Monday," Pacers coach Rick Carlisle said Monday.
"If things look good, there will be a chance he can play (Feb. 15 against Milwaukee).
It's the combination of the frequency of the concussions and his symptoms. It's something you can't rush."

"下個星期一他將被重新評估," 溜馬隊教練 Rick Carlisle 星期一說.
"如果情況良好,那將有個機會讓他上場( 2 月 15 號對 Milwaukee ).

Croshere hasn't played since suffering a concussion Jan. 31 against Washington when he
collided with Wizards forward Antawn Jamison. Croshere also suffered a concussion Jan. 8
when he collided with teammate Jeff Foster.

Croshere 自從在 1 月 31 號對上華盛頓時,和巫師的前鋒 Antawn Jamison 相撞之後就因腦震盪沒有再上場過.
Croshere 在 1 月 8 號又再度腦震盪,這次是撞到隊友 Jeff Foster.

Croshere, who had never suffered a concussion before last month, attended Saturday's game
against Detroit but had a difficult time focusing in midst of the bright lights and noise.

在上個月之前從來沒有腦震盪過的 Croshere 參加了星期六對上底特律的比賽,但他處在明亮燈光及噪音之中無法集中注意力.

"This is two concussions within a month, which is a warning sign," Carlisle said. "We have
to make sure we're careful with it."

"一個月之間兩次腦震盪,這是個警訊." Carlisle 說.

Croshere won't participate in drills until at least Thursday, when he resumes light
cardiovascular work. The Feb. 15 game is the Pacers' last before the All-Star break.

Croshere 至少在星期四之前不會參加訓練,這段時間他會恢復做輕微的心肺運動.
2 月 15 號的比賽是溜馬隊在明星賽前的最後一場比賽.

Croshere, who has started 25 games this season, is averaging 8.7 points and 5.9 rebounds.
Jeff Foster will likely continue to start at power forward.

這個球季先發了 25 場的 Croshere , 平均每場得 8.7 分以及 5.9 個籃板.
Jeff Foster 將可能繼續在大前鋒這個位置先發.

all Star reporter Mike Wells at (317) 444-6053.

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