Pacers try to build on modest win streak
Carlisle, his team say they can't afford to relax after big wins over Lakers, Pistons

Carlisle ,他帶領的球隊認為在大勝湖人及活塞之後他們還不能喘息.

By Mike Wells

It's a position the Indiana Pacers have been in before. They play well against teams
with winning records, then lose to inferior opponents.


Still trying to work in Peja Stojakovic while also dealing with injuries, the Pacers
are coming off impressive back-to-back victories over the Los Angeles Lakers and
Detroit Pistons. The goal tonight at Conseco Fieldhouse is to avoid a letdown against
the Portland Trail Blazers (17-29).

一邊仍在幫助 Peja Stojakovic 融入球隊,一邊還要處理傷兵問題的溜馬隊,贏了洛杉磯湖人及底特律活塞,
連續兩場令人印象深刻的勝利.今晚在主場 Conseco Fieldhouse 的目標就是避免輸給波特蘭拓荒者隊( 17 勝 29 敗).

"They have a losing record, but they are a good team," Pacers coach Rick Carlisle said
about Portland. "I think the biggest key the last two games is we've played with a lot of
energy and we haven't turned it over and we've rebounded. When you can increase your
possessions by not turning it over and rebounding, you're going to play well.
Portland, they are no pushover; their record is very deceiving. They've won (seven out of 12),
which doesn't reflect in a 17-win record."

"雖然他們的戰績不佳,但他們是隻好球隊," 溜馬隊教練 Rick Carlisle 談論到波特蘭.
波特蘭,他們不是容易擊倒的球隊;他們的戰績容易讓人受騙.他們最近的勝利(最近 12 場比賽贏了 7 場),
不會反映在 17 勝的總戰績上."

If the Pacers learned anything this season, it's not to take teams lightly. They have
beaten playoff-bound Miami, Detroit and the Los Angeles Clippers but lost to lottery
candidates Charlotte, Atlanta and Toronto.


"We know now we can't take any team for granted," Pacers point guard Anthony Johnson said.
"The energy level wasn't where it needed to be against those teams earlier. They would
come out and play hard, and we had a tendency of putting ourselves in a hole and found out
we couldn't just turn it on. . . . Due to the fact that we're short-handed, it's definitely
going to take a full game for us to come out with victories."

"我們現在知道不應看輕任何球隊." 溜馬隊控球後衛 Anthony Johnson 說.

p.s. putting ourselves in a hole and found out we couldn't just turn it on

It was just a week ago the reeling Pacers brought a six-game losing streak into the Lakers
game at the Fieldhouse. . The Pacers did not allow Kobe Bryant to enjoy one of his trademark
scoring outbursts. The Pacers also had five players score in double figures and outrebounded
Los Angeles by 12.

溜馬隊沒讓 Kobe Bryant 的得分大量爆發.溜馬隊也有 5 位球員得分兩位數,而且籃板球還搶贏湖人 12 顆.

Against the Pistons on Saturday, the Pacers shot 39 percent from the field but dominated on
the boards. They not only had 15 more rebounds than Detroit but also had 25 offensive rebounds.

星期六對上活塞,溜馬隊雖然只有 39% 的命中率,但是靠籃板球掌握球賽.
他們不但比活塞多 15 顆籃板球,而且還有 25 顆是進攻籃板.

"We're realizing we're not in a very good situation," Pacers point guard Sarunas Jasikevicius
said. "We showed some life in the past two games and now we have to keep it going. Guys are
playing hard, practices are very good and guys are together as good as it's been all year."

"我們瞭解我們不是在一個很好的情況," 溜馬隊控球後衛 Sarunas Jasikevicius 說.

The Pacers are in the midst of a seven-game homestand. Of the remaining home foes this month,
only San Antonio and New Orleans have better records than the Pacers.


"It's a really important stretch because we are home and we have our fans behind us on the one
hand," Carlisle said. "But on the other hand, none of these games are easy games, especially
with the position we're in right now.

"這是相當重要的階段,一方面是因為主場有球迷在我們面前為我們加油," Carlisle 說.

"We're going to have to continue to do the things that have really helped us in the last two
games against the Lakers and the Pistons."


Call Star reporter Mike Wells at (317) 444-6053.

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