Pacers jump into draft to pick up center Barac from Heat

By Mike Wells

Pacers jump into draft to pick up center Barac from Heat
溜馬用選秀權從熱火換來中鋒 Barac

After looking like they wouldn't have a draft pick, the Indiana Pacers acquired
Bosnian center Stanko Barac, the No. 39 pick, from the Miami Heat for their 2009
second-round draft pick late Thursday night.

在他們看起來像沒有選秀權之後,溜馬用他們2009年的第二輪選秀權換來波士尼亞籍的中鋒 Stanko Barac,

Pacers president Larry Bird said Barac likely will remain in Europe, where he is
under contract with his team for three more years. Barac averaged 13 points and
7.1 rebounds for Siroki Prima (Bosnia) last season.

溜馬總管 Larry Bird 說 Barac 很可能繼續待在歐洲,他在歐洲母隊還有三年的合約。
Barac 上季替 Siroki Prima 拿下平均13分7.1個籃板。

"He's a young guy that we had our eye on in the second round," Bird said.

Bird 說:"他是在第二輪中吸引我們目光的年輕人。"

The Pacers had hoped to acquire a first-round pick so they could draft Rice guard
Morris Almond. Instead, Utah took him with the 25th pick.

溜馬希望獲得第一輪的選秀權讓他們能選到後衛 Morris Almond。

Bird took time from the draft to shoot down the latest trade rumor surrounding
forward Jermaine O'Neal. Bird called a supposed deal with New Jersey for small
forward Richard Jefferson and centers Nenad Krstic and Jason Collins "bogus."

Bird 花時間為了否決有關前鋒 Jermaine O'Neal 的最新交易傳聞。
Bird 稱這個假設性交易是"假的"--和籃網交換小前鋒 Richard Jefferson 以及中鋒 Nenad Krstic 和 Jason Collins。

"We're not close (to making a deal)," Bird said. "We haven't even talked to anybody.
All these trade rumors out there, it's all bogus."

"我們並不急," Bird 說。"我們甚至未跟任何人談過。所有交易的傳聞都是假的。"

Nets officials told Jefferson he won't be traded.

籃網高層告訴 Jefferson 他不會被交易。

"They told me that they would keep us together," Jefferson told about himself,
Vince Carter and Jason Kidd. "They said, 'Don't believe all the talk. We're not
trading you.' They said they want to keep the team together. I want to stay. I want to
win games in New York."

"他們告訴我他們會讓我們在一起," Jefferson 告訴 ESPN 有關他,以及 Vince Carter 和 Jason Kidd 的事。

Call Star reporter Mike Wells at (317) 444-6053.
Copyright 2007 All rights reserved


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