Pacers get hang of new style
Spread offense thwarts Golden State, gives Indiana 4th straight home win


By Mike Wells

Who said the Indiana Pacers can't have continued success opening up the floor and
playing an up-tempo style?


The Pacers, whose offense is used to dumping the ball in the post, have gone through
a transformation the past two weeks as they make up for the loss of Jermaine O'Neal
and work Peja Stojakovic into the system.

在過去兩個星期,溜馬隊為沒有 Jermaine O'Neal 及 Peja Stojakovic 加入的新陣容做了打法上的轉變,

They've shown they can be an effective team spreading the floor. Just ask the Los Angeles
Lakers or the Portland Trail Blazers. Even the Detroit Pistons got a taste of it.


The Golden State Warriors, a team that had averaged nearly 118 points in its previous
three games, became the latest victim of the suddenly resurgent Pacers in a 107-95 decision.

在他們前三場比賽平均得了 118 分的金州勇士,以 107-95 成為最近復甦的溜馬隊馬蹄下最新的犧牲者.

The Pacers got a combined 76 points from Peja Stojakovic, Anthony Johnson and Stephen Jackson
in picking up their fourth straight victory.

溜馬隊拿下他們的第四場連勝, Peja Stojakovic , Anthony Johnson 和 Stephen Jackson 合計貢獻了 76 分.

"It's a deceptive final score," Pacers coach Rick Carlisle said. "It was obviously a very
difficult game. It's not easy against a team like Golden State because they are so explosive."

"終場比數是不可相信的,"溜馬教練 Rick Carlisle 說."這是一場相當困難的勝利.對抗像金州勇士隊這樣的球隊是

Conseco Fieldhouse has become a comfort zone for the Pacers of late. All four of their victories
have been at home, and they have three more there before they play their next road game.
The Pacers host the NBA champion San Antonio Spurs on Sunday afternoon.

主場 Conseco Fieldhouse 對最近的溜馬來說是一個舒服的地方.他們的四場勝利都是在主場,在他們打下一場比賽之前,
他們在主場還有三場比賽.星期天傍晚溜馬隊在主場迎戰 NBA 去年冠軍聖安東尼奧馬刺隊.

"We're excited about the four wins in a row," Johnson said. "After our six-game losing streak,
it was important to put a string of wins together."

"我們很興奮能打出這波四連勝," Johnson 說."在六連敗之後,打出這波連勝是很重要的."

As successful as they've been of late, the Pacers were in a dangerous position offensively.
They didn't want to get into a track meet with the Warriors, who rely on the 3-pointer and
attempt shots early in the possession. With the exception of the third quarter when they gave
up 39 points to the Warriors, the Pacers kept things to their liking.

快攻取分的勇士隊陷入苦戰.撇開第三節他們讓勇士隊得了 39 分不談,溜馬隊還是保有自己的步調.

"When you speed it up, you're going to have some periods where you're playing the other team's
style a little bit," Carlisle said. "There's some risk-taking that goes on. But you know what?
Right now, I have to trust the guys that have the ball. A.J. and Sarunas (Jasikevicius),
for the most part, those guys are knowledgeable players. There's a fine line involved.
You have to be careful about talking about being careful, because right now we have to throw
caution to the wind a little bit offensively so that we can open up enough space on the floor
to get shots. I like the way we're playing the last four games."

"當你打快比賽節奏的時候,你將有些時間會跟著對方的節奏走," Carlisle 說. "有一些風險會發生.但你知道嗎?現在,
我必須相信這些控球的人. A.J. 以及 Sarunas (Jasikevicius) ,在大部份的時候,他們是有見識的球員.這是一個很好

Johnson (23 points), Jackson (30) and Stojakovic (23) were the offensive leaders for the Pacers.
Johnson and Jackson went a combined 8-for-8 from the field for 21 of the Pacers' 32 first-quarter
points. Stojakovic had nine of his points in the second quarter when the Pacers led by as many as
17 points.

Johnson ( 23 分), Jackson ( 30 分) 和 Stojakovic ( 23 分) 是溜馬的進攻領袖. Johnson 和 Jackson 合計
投 8 中 8 的命中率,拿下溜馬隊第一節 32 分中的 21 分. Stojakovic 在第二節拿下 9 分,讓溜馬隊領先到 17 分.

The Pacers, who shot 52 percent from the field, got their lead up to 19 at one point in the third
quarter before Golden State made six 3-pointers to get it down to seven by the end of its 39-point

命中率 52% 的溜馬隊,在第三節把差距拉大到 19 分,之後金州勇士隊投進 6 顆三分球將比數縮小到 7 分之差,這節勇士隊
得了 39 分.

"They were shredding us; they have the players to do it," Carlisle said of the third quarter.
"We weren't doing a good job."

"他們撕裂了我們的防線;他們有球員辦到了," Carlisle 在第三節說. "他們做的不錯."

The Warriors continued to chip away and made it a one-point contest, 91-90, with 5:20 left in the

離終場五分二十秒,勇士隊繼續發威,追到了 91-90 ,一分之差.

The Pacers got some breathing room when Jackson made two free throws, Jeff Foster made one of two
and Johnson knocked down a 3-pointer to put them up by seven with less than four minutes left.
Johnson made another 3-pointer several possessions later to make it a 10-point game.

當 Jackson 兩罰俱中,溜馬隊有了一點喘息的空間,在剩下不到四分鐘的時候, Jeff Foster 兩投中一以及Johnson 追加
一顆三分球,把比數拉開到 7 分. Johnson 在幾波進攻之後,又投進了一顆三分球,將比分拉大到 10 分之差.

"Johnson played big for them and Peja is big for them and creates another dimension for them
offensively," Warriors coach Mike Montgomery said. "I think it's mental for us. What really hurt
us was Anthony Johnson having a big game. That was really the difference for us, especially with
his big shot in the closing minutes."

" Johnson 和 Peja 對溜馬來說都是很重要的角色,令人不悅地,他們創造了溜馬另一個在進攻上的模式," 勇士隊教練
Mike Montgomery 說. "我認為那讓我們發瘋.而真正打擊我們的是打了一場出色比賽的 Anthony Johnson .尤其是他終

Call Star reporter Mike Wells at (317) 444-6053.

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