Off to winning start
Johnson burns his former team by hitting 2 free throws with less than a second left

NBA 季後賽:溜馬 90 ,籃網 88
Johnson 藉著在剩下不到一秒的時間內兩罰俱中,給了他老東家一點顏色瞧瞧.

By Mike Wells

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. -- The Indiana Pacers were in a position that they tried and failed at
numerous times during the regular season in their 90-88 playoff victory over the New Jersey Nets
on Sunday.

在紐澤西--在季賽期間處於屢戰屢敗屢敗屢戰情勢的印第安那溜馬,在星期天以 90-88 贏下紐澤西籃網.

A close game in the final seconds. No Reggie Miller to turn to.
Several options, but no clear No. 1 choice.

在比賽最後幾秒的關鍵時刻.沒有 Reggie Miller 可以求助.

Point guard Anthony Johnson got the ball out front with about seven seconds on the clock
and the score tied 88-88. He glanced at coach Rick Carlisle to make sure he didn't need to
call a timeout.

雙方平手 88-88 ,終場前七秒,控球後衛 Anthony Johnson 在外圍持球.

Johnson looked up at the clock above the same basket he spent two seasons shooting at while
with the Nets, then made his move.

Johnson 看了一下他之前在籃網練投兩年的籃框上面的計時器,然後他開始移動.

With the opportunity to stick it to his former team and give the Pacers an early edge in the
Eastern Conference first-round series, Johnson, guarded by former teammate Jason Kidd,
drove left when Nenad Krstic came over to help. Johnson split the two defenders and attempted
a shot when the whistle blew. A foul was called on Krstic with 0.9 seconds left.

有機會給他的前隊伍一點顏色瞧瞧,並讓溜馬拿下東區第一輪系列戰的首勝,被他的前隊友 Jason Kidd 防守著的 Johnson ,
從左邊切入, Nenad Krstic 過來協防. Johnson 從他們兩個中間切過去並起身出手,出手的同時哨音響起.
在剩下 0.9 秒的時候, Krstic 被吹一次犯規.

After trying and failing to win games on a couple of occasions this season, Johnson, a 75 percent
free throw shooter, calmly sank both free throws to give the Pacers a 1-0 lead in the
best-of-seven series. Game 2 is Tuesday at Continental Airlines Arena.

在本季有兩場決定勝負的經驗之後,罰球命中率有 75% 的 Johnson ,冷靜地兩罰俱中,讓溜馬取得 1-0 的領先.
第二場比賽在星期二,在 Continental Airlines Arena 舉行.

"I was excited because now the game is on the line and the whole building is against you,
and facing (Kidd) across the way, it's time to get it done," Johnson said. "I didn't want
any guys coming up trying to set a screen and getting us out of sync and getting us in the
position where we can't really make a productive play."

"我非常興奮,因為比分平手而且全體育館內的人都在對抗你,加上過了 Kidd ,就是該得分的時候了." Johnson 說.

Winning close games was a constant problem for the Pacers during the regular season.
They were 4-10 in games decided by three points or fewer.

他們在相差三分以內的比賽是 4 勝 10 負.

"I think the difference now is this team is really focused," Pacers forward Jermaine O'Neal said.
"Guys really kept talking to each other during timeouts. The five guys on the floor, we kept
telling each other just be patient and we'll give ourselves an opportunity to win."

"我認為現在的不同是這隻隊伍真的集中注意力了," 溜馬前鋒 Jermaine O'neal 說.

The Nets thought the foul on Krstic, his sixth, was a questionable call.

籃網認為吹在 Krstic 身上的第六次犯規是個有問題的吹判.

"Unfortunately, we couldn't come up with the rebound and you like for players to decided the
game," Nets coach Lawrence Frank said. "You have to give Anthony credit for making the two free
throws. I haven't seen a replay yet, but the foul on Krstic seemed like a really, really hard

"不幸地,我們不能討論那次吹判,你希望讓球員決定勝負,"籃網教頭 Lawrence Frank 說.
"你必須對兩罰俱中給 Anthony 讚賞.我還沒看重播,但是 Krstic 那次犯規似乎真的是個非常離譜的吹判."

The Nets had a chance to tie, but Richard Jefferson missed a 21-foot jumper in front of the
Pacers' bench as time expired.

籃網有機會拉成平手,但是 Richard Jefferson 在溜馬板凳區前的 21 呎跳投沒進,時間到.

It was two weeks ago the Pacers went into their game against the New York Knicks having dropped
seven of eight games. Since then the Pacers have won six of seven and now hold home-court
advantage in the series.


"It's been an up-and-down season for us," Pacers center Jeff Foster said. "Obviously to come in
as the sixth seed and to win the first game, that improves your chances dramatically."

"對我們來說,這是個大起大落的球季," 溜馬中鋒 Jeff Foster 說.

Neither team went on big runs. The biggest lead of the game was six points by the Pacers and
there were 15 ties and 13 lead changes.

兩隊都沒有拉開比分.比賽領先最多的是溜馬領先 6 分,並且有 15 次平手和 13 互換領先.

The Pacers, who struggled defensively during the regular season, didn't allow New Jersey's big
three of Kidd, Jefferson and Vince Carter to beat them.

在正規賽期間拼命掙扎的溜馬,不允許籃網三劍客 Kidd , Jefferson 和 Vince Carter 擊敗他們.

Carter scored 31 points but needed 33 shots to reach that total. He was 1-for-8 on 3-pointers.
Kidd had five points on 2-of-11 shooting to go with four rebounds and eight assists.
Carter, Jefferson and Krstic (22 points) were the only Nets to score in double figures.

Carter 得 31 分,但他投了 33 球才得到 31 分.他三分球投 8 中 1 .
Kidd 投 11 中 2 得 5 分,並有 4 籃板和 8 助攻.
Carter , Jefferson 和 Krstic ( 22 分) 是籃網唯三得分到兩位數的.

Stephen Jackson led five Pacers in double figures with 18 points.

Stephen Jackson 是溜馬在得分到達兩位數的五位球員中最高的一位,他拿下 18 分.

"It was very tight the whole game and it couldn't have been closer," Carlisle said. "A couple of
breaks went our way at the end. We know we got lucky today because we know Vince Carter is not
going to have another (game like Sunday), because he's a great player and he's going to make his

"這是一場整場都非常緊張的比賽,而它看起來不像要結束," 金凱瑞說."最後我們靠兩個罰球贏了.我們知道我們今天很幸運,
因為我們清楚 Vince Carter 下一場比賽不會像第一場一樣,因為他是個成熟的球員,他將會有更好表現."


Since 1994, the Pacers have won eight of their 11 opening playoff games. On six of those occasions
when they won the opener, they went on to win the series. Here's a look at the Pacers' first-round
series since '94.

從 1994 開始,溜馬在他們 11 場季後賽的開幕戰拿下 8 場的勝利.
其中當他們贏得開幕戰,有 6 年會通過第一輪.以下是溜馬從 1994 年開始第一輪的對手資料.

Year 1st game Result
1994 W, Orlando W, 3-0
1995 W, Atlanta W, 3-0
1996 L, Atlanta L, 3-2
1998 W, Cleveland W, 3-1
1999 W, Milwaukee W, 3-0
2000 W, Milwaukee W, 3-2
2001 W, Philadelphia L, 3-1
2002 W, New Jersey L, 3-2
2003 L, Boston L, 4-2
2004 W, Boston W, 4-0
2005 L, Boston W, 4-3

-- The Star

Call Star reporter Mike Wells at (317) 444-6053.

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